Sony Alpha camera supported by Sony SDK (Software Development Kit)
Sony Alpha camera supported by Sony SDK (Software Development Kit)
Digital Video Camera using various interfaces (USB, Gigabit Ethernet, Camera link)
In many sectors, the issue of shock represents a significant challenge for imaging system integrators. How do you deliver a reliable image when even a small impact will cause failure.
One company working to solve this is Iberoptics, a Madrid, Spain-headquartered company that has created a family of highly-impact-resistant modules called HarshCam. These use bespoke hardware adaptation to Sony FCB modules that enable the cameras to withstand impacts of 40 Gs for over 11ms… and automatically retain focus by keeping the zoom position.
The company’s first camera, which based on the Sony FCB-EV7520A (HD) was previewed at SICUR-2020 and is now available. A forthcoming 4K module, based on the FCB-ER8550, will launch this month.
The problem posed by impacts isn’t just damage to the camera - shattering of a lens, destruction of components, removal of power supply / output… - but principally the failures they create. Typically, they will cause the camera to defocus, with the zoom position moving internally and making images unusable if not restarted. This can be seen in the below video.
Link: https://youtu.be/Uipe8GABdbA
Iberoptics’ CEO, Manuel Herrera, said:
“There are lots of sectors in need of video to improve functionality, but where the technology hasn’t been reliable enough. Drones and construction vehicles are natural examples, similarly in sports [like the Paris Dakar] Rally where video would help drivers to see through the sand and mud storms, but all of these would require regular restarts using today’s systems.
“And then there’s vital services such as disaster relief. Take, for example a UN or aid worker’s all-terrain vehicle, needing to cross through inhospitable terrain where video would provide a key driving aid, or safety aid if the vehicles came under attack… but traditional technology would fail with such impacts.”
As per the FCB-EV7520, Iberoptics’ Full-HD Harshcam adaptation uses the 1/2.8-type Pregius sensor to deliver full-HD (1920x1080) and output images at up to 60 fps. The footprint and height (50x89.7x60mm) are the same as the FCV-EV7520A, and the camera also delivers a 30X optical zoom (additional 12X digital zoom, combined 360X).
Iberoptics’ new module incorporates the same 1/2.5-type sensor as the FCB-ER8550 to deliver 4K images at 30 fps (or HD images at 60fps) with a 20X optical zoom (240X with digital zoom)
It is warrantied to withstand impacts of up to 40 G for over 11 milliseconds.
For more information on the platform contact Juan Luis Vadillo at Iberoptics (harshcam@iberoptics.com).
For more information on working with Sony contact Can Asiltürk (can.asiltuerk@sony.com).